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In recent years, the promotion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) has become an imperative in the workplace. Paying attention to people and valuing diversity have become central to many companies, including ours. In this context, we have developed an innovative training program on DE&I using the virtual environment. Let's discover our proposal together, focusing on virtual training methods and the value of diversity in the corporate environment. But first let's brush up on the basics: what we mean by Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are key concepts that relate to accepting and valuing differences among people in an environment, whether it is the workplace, the community or society as a whole.

Diversity refers to all differences that characterize people, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical ability, social class, education, and more. These differences can be visible or invisible and make each individual unique. Diversity is an asset because it offers a variety of perspectives, experiences and knowledge.

Equity: The term "Equity" refers to fair treatment for all people, so that current norms, practices, and policies ensure that identity is not predictive of opportunities or outcomes in the workplace. Equity differs from equality in subtle but important ways. While equality assumes that all people should be treated equally, equity takes into account a person's unique circumstances, tailoring treatment accordingly so that the end result is equal.

Inclusion is the process of ensuring that all people, regardless of their differences, are fully involved, respected and valued in a given environment. Inclusion promotes a sense of belonging and acceptance so that no one feels marginalized or discriminated against. The goal is to create an environment where everyone can contribute fully and benefit from their participation.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) training for a company is designed precisely to make employees aware of diversity, equity, and inclusion issues, with the goal of fostering a work environment that welcomes and values differences among employees, creating a more equitable, respectful, and productive organization. Inclusion in business seeks to combat discrimination, bias, social exclusion, inequality of opportunity, and other challenges that may arise because of differences among employees.

Now that we have clarity on the three key concepts, let's see together how to bring them into the company through our training program.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Training

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) aims to create a welcoming and respectful work environment. Traditional training on DE&I involves instructors, presentations, and group discussions. However, challenges arise with the need to engage diverse audiences on a global scale.

Virtual training: global accessibility and time flexibility

Virtual training emerges as an ideal solution, eliminating geographical barriers and enabling employees to participate regardless of their location. Hourly flexibility accommodates variable work schedules, ensuring broad participation and increased adherence to training sessions.

Virtual embodiment: experiencing DE&I firsthand

We introduce virtual embodiment, a practice that uses avatars in virtual environments. This approach provides an immersive experience, enhancing empathy and reducing implicit bias. Users can literally "step into the shoes" of different people, having experiences that challenge biases and stereotypes. Such an approach not only actively involves participants but also transports them into a realistic context, facilitating understanding of different perspectives.

Implicit Association Test and Toronto Empathy Questionnaire: measuring impact

We always measure impact to assess the effectiveness of our program, using the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to examine participants' implicit associations. This instrument reveals automatic and unconscious <aa41>reactions, which are crucial for understanding biases and stereotypes. In addition, the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ) measures empathy, providing data on participants' empathic abilities. Through these instruments, we can quantify and assess the change in participants' perceptions and skills.

Linking it All: the Metaverse and Immersive Training.

We take virtual training to the next level with the use of the metaverse. Here, participants interact in a virtual environment, dealing with D&I-related situations. This approach offers a more immersive and engaging experience, although it requires technological investment. However, this investment results in deeper and longer-lasting learning as participants are immersed in scenarios that require understanding and practical application of skills related to diversity and inclusion.


Virtual Diversity, Equity & Inclusion training is an innovative step toward creating inclusive workplaces. The use of virtual embodiment, psychological testing and exploration of the metaverse contribute to effective and engaging learning. Investing in DE&I not only is morally right but also results in a tangible business benefit. Data collected through tools such as the IAT and TEQ highlight the progress made and provide insights to further improve our approach.

Final note:

This case study demonstrates how virtual training can be a powerful engine for promoting DE&I in the enterprise. Adaptable to specific needs, it offers an innovative and engaging approach that brings long-term benefits. Our experience shows that investing in diversity and inclusion not only improves corporate culture but also contributes to a more productive and collaborative work environment.


  1. "Diversity and Inclusion: The Reality Gap" in Deloitte Insights: An in-depth report that explores the current state of diversity and inclusion in companies, emphasizing the importance of effective strategies.
  2. "Virtual Reality as a Training Tool for Enhancing D&I" published in Harvard Business Review: This article discusses the use of virtual reality as a tool for enhancing diversity and inclusion training, drawing on case studies and research.
  3. "The Impact of Implicit Association on Workplace Diversity" in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: A scientific study examining how implicit association tests can reveal and influence diversity dynamics in the workplace.
  4. "Empathy in the Workplace: A Tool for Effective Leadership" in Center for Creative Leadership: A white paper that explores how measuring empathy, such as through the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire, can play a crucial role in leadership and diversity management.
  5. "Exploring the Metaverse: A New Frontier for D&I Training" on Forbes: An article discussing the potential of the metaverse as an innovative environment for diversity and inclusion training, highlighting use cases and potential benefits.

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A project highlighting the sea's new sharing mobility concept that, thanks to a dedicated App, allows people to quickly rent their own dinghy, driving it safely and freely.

When we think of Sharing Mobility we naturally think of a car, a scooter, a bike, a van or a scooter. Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy a smart and fast solution for renting a dinghy as well? 

There is a way to enjoy sharing mobility even on vacation and it is called E-Sea-Sharing! A sea of freedom all Made in Italy - write Giuseppe Labate and Claudio Fiumara, CEO and COO respectively of the parent company of the world's first boat sharing service, designed and developed to meet the needs and desires of all those travelers who want to experience the sea. 

Thanks to a dedicated App, E-sea sharing allows people to quickly rent their dinghy: just search for the nearest port and start the rental at any time. The service is currently available on the Emerald Coast and will soon land in the Cinque Terre, the Aeolian Islands and the Amalfi Coast.

It is, therefore, a project that highlights the new concept of sharing mobility of the sea. 

The innovative platform is tailor-made and reflects the specifications necessary for the delivery of the service by E-Sea Sharing itself. The App is currently available on the Apple Store and Google Play Store.

We met with the star-up's COO Claudio Fiumara and, of course aboard an inflatable boat from the E-SEA-Sharing fleet, asked him how the idea came about and what the actual benefits are for travelers.

How did the E-Sea Sharing project come about?

The innovative start-up was born in 2020 from the vision of two young entrepreneurs with a passion for the sea and technology who decided to bring these two worlds together to give boating a new look and bring it closer to the most advanced land-based mobility systems.

Giuseppe has always cultivated his passion for the sea by working with charter companies and running a tourist marina. Claudio, on the other hand, an environmental and territorial engineer and Ph.D., is a founding partner of a university spin-off and is constantly researching innovative projects. The two, following the forced stop caused by the lockdown, thus decided to form E-Sea Sharing with the aim of revolutionizing and industrializing the process of nautical leasing by launching boat sharing on the market.

What are the benefits for users of the service?

The benefits offered to the customer are many and respond to the need for easy, fast, affordable sea travel, overcoming the limitations inherent in the currently existing options.

First, the service allows anyone to have access to an opportunity that until now has been reserved for the few, due to the high cost and objective difficulties involved in owning a boat. 

The vessels, being equipped with 40-hp engines, can be used even by those who do not have a boat license. Vessels are always available, geolocated and identified by means of a mobile application, which makes it particularly easy to use the service. This allows the customer to be totally free to sail, at any time, to any route, and to release the vessel even in a different port than the one of departure.

Compared to traditional rental, E-Sea Sharing offers payment, contactless and cachless, even by the minute, so that the customer can decide to pay only for actual use.

All of this is done autonomously, without having to contact a boat owner, making boating a 360-degree experience and offering even the less experienced a chance to experience the unmooring and mooring of a vessel.

The service is monitored remotely through technological devices that aim to increase safety at sea, both for the customer and for other boaters.

E-Sea Sharing is a highly innovative and unique project in italy: helping the startup build the sharing platform, starting from our full suite of shared mobility solutions, was an exciting challenge.

Go E-Sea Sharing!

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How to revolutionize the insurance industry with models and solutions to assess risk, build customer loyalty, and detect fraud? We asked our Chief Mobility Technology Officer.

The technological evolution represented by the combination of Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Automation has proven to be a winning bet in several industries. In the insurance field, particularly in Insurance Telematics, these emerging technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to improve efficiency, reduce costs and provide better service to customers. 

We recently interviewed our own Marco D'Ambrosio on the topic, who provided us with a broad and comprehensive overview of why to take a specific approach and the resulting benefits for companies that choose to integrate these three technologies.

Marco, how would you define with one adjective the integrated use of Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation in Insurance Telematics?

"Disruptive" is the adjective I use most often to qualify the approach that Insurance Telematics offers to risk management in the insurance industry, bringing benefits to both companies and customers. The integration of IoT, Artificial Intelligence and automation creates new opportunities for improving efficiency, reducing costs and offering personalized service. Insurance companies that adopt these innovative solutions will be able to remain competitive and provide added value to their customers in an ever-changing market.

Point us to four significant use cases that help us understand the benefits of the integrated approach of IoT, AI and Automation in Insurance Telematics?

  1. I would definitely start with Risk Assessment and Rates. Through the use of drivers' driving data collected through telematics devices, it is possible to quantify customers' risk in real time. This data allows insurance companies to set rates appropriate to each customer's driving profile. With detailed risk analysis, prudent drivers can be rewarded with lower rates, thus incentivizing responsible and safe driving behavior. In addition, this innovation can support coaching actions, helping drivers adopt responsible behavior with a significant impact on traffic accident prevention, thus contributing to greater road safety and positive social impact.
  1. There is also an objective advantage in Demand Management. Process automation based on customer data enables more efficient insurance claims management. With the integration of AI and automation, it is possible to automate the prioritization of claims based on importance and automatically approve those that are simple and well documented. This not only speeds up the claims handling process, but also improves customer satisfaction by reducing waiting time and simplifying the claims process. However, I always emphasize that automation does not completely replace human involvement, but complements it. Claims evaluation and approval can be supported by AI systems, but human oversight is always needed to ensure accurate analysis and make appropriate decisions.
  1. A third winning use case? Certainly that, in the long run, of customer retention: the use of customer behavioral data makes it possible to identify the likelihood that a customer will switch to competitors. The information gathered can be used to reach at-risk customers and provide them with personalized offers. Through targeted marketing strategies and appropriate incentives, insurance companies can actively work to retain acquired customers, thereby improving retention and reducing churn rates. However, never forget that an ethical and responsible approach to the use of customer data is always a priority: it is mandatory to respect customer privacy and ensure the security of personal information.
  1. Then there is a fourth use case I would like to mention: the use of integrated Insurance Telematics for fraud detection. The fight against fraud is a common challenge in both the banking and insurance sectors. The use of AI-based predictive models enables insurance companies to estimate the probability that a claim is fraudulent. These claims can be targeted for further investigation, thereby reducing losses caused by fraudulent behavior. Automation of fraud detection processes helps prevent and counter fraud attempts, ensuring greater reliability and integrity in the insurance industry. As with the previous point, fraud detection must be balanced with the protection of customer privacy. Insurance companies must ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and ensure that they use customer information only for legitimate and legal purposes, such as fraud prevention.

Thank you Marco! A truly comprehensive review that shines a spotlight on several aspects of Smart Mobility that are absolutely effective for companies wishing to access integrated and innovative technology solutions. One last suggestion for those who will read this interview?

My dispassionate suggestion, for anyone who feels like embarking on a path of business innovation, is to contact us. At Frontiere, we are constantly working to facilitate access to innovations in all market sectors and, therefore, to innovative business models. It is the principle that has always guided our research and development and that makes our approach to smart mobility and risk management in the insurance industry disruptive.

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