In today's fast-moving digital world, with increasingly fierce competition and time constraints, Marketing Automation emerges as a crucial strategy for companies seeking to optimize their marketing operations and maximize results in terms of visibility and sales. Marketing Automation refers to the use of software and technology to automate repetitive marketing tasks and processes, allowing those on a Marketing Team to focus on higher value-added activities.

Putting automation tools side by side with a tool such as Chat GPT, an advanced artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI, makes it possible to revolutionize so many aspects related to Marketing in general and Content Marketing specifically.In this article, we will delve into the impact of these new technologies precisely in the management of corporate blogs. Not only can these tools assist in the design of the editorial plan, but they can also contribute to the writing of high value-added articles, their SEO optimization and online publication, making the process much faster and of higher quality.

GPT chat to define editorial plan and SEO optimization

Defining editorial plan

Chat GPT can revolutionize the way content and SEO managers define an editorial plan. With its ability to analyze large amounts of data and understand market trends, Chat GPT can suggest relevant and current topics that may be of interest to target Buyer Personas. Using artificial intelligence, SEOs and content managers can develop an editorial plan that not only captures readers' interest, but also effectively ranks articles on major search engines such as Google.

SEO Optimization and Cluster Topic

One of the most effective strategies nowadays from an SEO perspective is the use of Cluster Topics, which we have already discussed in depth in this article.

Chat GPT can assist in identifying these central keywords and related secondary keywords, facilitating the creation of topic clusters that improve the site's visibility on search engines. This approach not only increases the relevance of the content in the eyes of search engines but also promotes a better user experience by providing readers with a logical and consistent path through the various topics covered in the blog.

Support in article writing

When it comes to article writing, Chat GPT can offer invaluable support to copywriters. From devising headlines to writing search engine-optimized Title Tag and Description Tag, to suggesting how to interconnect articles through strategic internal links, Chat GPT can significantly speed up the writing process while maintaining high quality standards. In addition, AI can generate creative insights and provide suggestions on how to treat certain topics in an original and engaging way, ensuring that the content is not only SEO-friendly but also interesting to readers.

Automation in article publication and dissemination

Once the design and writing phase is completed, automation can also play a key role in article publication. There are specific automation tools that can greatly simplify the workflow based on the constant interaction between humans and AI:

Automatic publication as a draft on WordPress: these tools can take text generated by Chat GPT and automatically publish it as a draft on the WordPress CMS, saving valuable time for the marketing team.

Automatic notifications: upon completion of drafting and publishing as a draft, you can configure automatic notifications to be sent, for example via Slack or email, to team members responsible for final review and approval of the article. This ensures that the process goes smoothly and without unnecessary delays.

Involvement of the graphics department: similarly, automated notifications can be sent to the graphics department with links to articles for which images are needed, facilitating collaboration between different teams.

Involvement of the Social department: finally, once the article is published, automation tools can send notifications to the Social Team, which will be able to schedule publications on the company's various social channels, maximizing the visibility and engagement of the content.


In conclusion, the use of Chat GPT in addition to Marketing Automation tools for blog management offers tremendous potential for companies seeking to optimize their publishing and marketing processes. By defining a data-driven editorial plan, writing SEO-optimized content, and automating publishing and promotion, artificial intelligence and process automation can significantly help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the marketing team, freeing up valuable resources to devote to other growth strategies.

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In the increasingly interconnected fabric of the enterprise digital ecosystem, automation and cross-platform integration are emerging as key pillars of a winning business strategy. These technologies not only promise unprecedented operational efficiency but also open the door to tailored user experience personalization. The evolution of automation tools, such as Automyo or Zapier, has simplified the orchestration of complex task chains, turning simple actions such as filling out a contact form into powerful triggers for highly optimized sales and marketing processes.

Integration between contact forms and CRM

In a potential customer's journey, from the first interaction with a contact form to post-sales follow-up, data integration and automation play a crucial role. Automating the transfer of information from the website to the CRM not only eliminates the tedium of manual data entry, but also significantly reduces the risk of errors, ensuring that the sales team has immediate access to accurate and up-to-date lead information.

Saving to address book and Whatsapp messages

Once the user fills out the contact form and his or her data are saved within the company CRM, it is also possible to automatically add the contact's phone number, with its first and last name, within the phone book of a sales rep, who will then be able to initiate a relationship, perhaps by sending a Whatsapp message, much more quickly. Not only that, through automation tools, it is also possible to send a Whatsapp message fully automatically, without manual intervention, so that communication via email can be complemented by communication via the most popular messaging app.

Personalized Email Sequences and the Sales Funnel

Once the data entered by the user via the form on the website has been collected, creating automated email sequences that react based on the actions of the potential customer is an effective strategy for guiding leads through the sales funnel. These messages, from welcome messages to more informative and personalized content, are designed to respond to the specific interests shown by prospects, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion. Behavior-based personalization ensures that each communication is relevant and timely, maximizing engagement and building a trusting relationship with the customer.

Notifications to the Sales Team and real-time updates

Another crucial aspect of automation is its ability to improve collaboration within the company, between different departments and offices. For example, automated notifications can be sent to sales team members as soon as a new lead arrives (form completion) or a new qualified lead emerges (based on actions taken on Email Workflows), allowing potential negotiations to be initiated immediately. In addition, automation can be used to keep the team updated with real-time sales forecasts, either directly within the CRM or via shared Google sheets. This ensures informed and agile business planning and strategy.


Platform integration and automation are no longer options but necessities for companies aspiring to compete in today's economic landscape. These technologies not only lead to unprecedented operational efficiency but also open the way to new opportunities for customer personalization and engagement. By implementing solutions such as Automyo and Zapier, companies can not only simplify their internal processes but also turn simple interactions into powerful sales opportunities.

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Efficiency and effectiveness in managing corporate social channels have become qualities that can make a difference in today's competitive scenario. Companies are constantly looking for ways to optimize their digital marketing strategies, and in this scenario, artificial intelligence (AI), represented by tools such as Chat GPT, and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are proving to be invaluable allies. These technologies are radically transforming the way content is created, managed, and distributed, leading to a significant impact on business marketing and, in particular, social media management.

The Role of Chat GPT in Social Media Marketing

Defining the Editorial Plan

One of the biggest challenges for Social Media Managers is maintaining a steady flow of interesting and relevant content. This is where Chat GPT comes in, which, with its machine learning capabilities and vast accumulated knowledge, can suggest trending and relevant topics for the target audience. It can analyze past performance data to identify which types of content generate the most engagement, thus providing a solid foundation on which to build a strategic editorial plan.

Assistance with post writing

Post creation is another area where Chat GPT can provide significant input. Copywriters can use this technology to generate text drafts, receiving help with word choice, formatting, inserting effective call-to-actions (CTAs) and using emoticons to increase interaction. The ability to generate content consistent with the brand's tone of voice and strategically integrate keywords for SEO makes Chat GPT a valuable tool for producing high-quality content.

Creation of eye-catching graphics

In addition to writing text, artificial intelligence can assist in creating graphics that complement and enhance the post's message. AI graphic design tools can generate visually appealing images and layouts that are tailored to the post's context and audience preferences, helping to make each publication more engaging and visually consistent with brand identity.

The Automation Tool Support.

Automatic scheduling of posts

Once content has been created with the help of Chat GPT, RPA tools can take the baton and take care of the automatic scheduling of posts on the various social channels. This automated step not only saves time but also ensures that content is posted at times of greatest interaction with the target audience, increasing visibility and engagement.

Internal communication and approval

Automation tools can facilitate the content approval process by sending notifications via Slack or email to team members in charge of final review. This system ensures that each post is thoroughly checked and approved before publication, maintaining a high standard of quality.

Collaboration with the graphics department

Collaboration between the content and graphics teams is crucial for creating posts that strike and communicate effectively. Automation tools can send automatic notifications to the graphics department with links to posts that need custom images or edits, ensuring that the visual content is ready to be published along with the text.

Facilitation of Employee Advocacy

Employee Advocacy, or the involvement of employees in sharing and promoting company content on their social channels, is a key aspect of amplifying the reach of messages. Automation tools play a key role in this process, notifying employees of new postings in real time through systems such as email or internal platforms. This allows employees to act quickly by sharing and commenting on company posts, which not only increases the engagement and visibility of content but also helps strengthen the brand image through the voice of its employees.

Interaction with the Sales Team

Finally, once the posts are published, it is essential to also keep the sales team informed about actions taken to increase business visibility. Sending automatic notifications can keep salespeople updated on new content, allowing them to take advantage of any contact or sales opportunities generated by engagement on social.


In conclusion, the integration of Chat GPT and RPA tools into the enterprise social media management process not only makes work faster and of higher quality but also opens the door to previously unthinkable personalization and interaction with audiences. These technologies represent the future of digital marketing, a future in which automation and artificial intelligence work together to create social media marketing strategies that are not only effective but surprisingly intuitive and engaging.

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The advent of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has ushered in an era of transformation in businesses, and marketing is certainly no exception. This technology, with its ability to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, is reinventing online communication strategies, allowing companies to focus more on high-value-added activities. This article explores the nature of RPA, its applications in marketing and the benefits it offers, outlining a future--which in many companies is already present--in which the integration of RPAinto marketing strategies will not only be desirable, but essential.

Definition of RPA

The Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is automation software that allows a wide range of predictable, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks that previously required human intervention to be performed fully automatically. These software are designed to simulate human activities, interacting with the user interfaces of various systems and software in a way that 100% reflects human expertise in performing tasks such as data input, transaction processing, managing communications between different systems, and analyzing large volumes of information. All with superior accuracy and speed.

The adoption of RPA in the modern business landscape is becoming increasingly prevalent due to its ability to increase operational efficiency, significantly reduce errors from manual tasks, and improve the overall customer experience through faster and more accurate services. By implementing it, companies not only realize tangible improvements in productivity and operational costs but also pave the way for broader digital transformation, where business processes can be rethought and optimized for the digital age.

Applications of RPA in marketing

The adoption of RPA in marketing has opened up a wide range of possibilities for automating tasks that traditionally required hours of manual labor, greatly increasing their effectiveness:

Social Media Management

RPA can be an invaluable ally for marketers in managing Social: some tools can be programmed to monitor brand mentions on various channels, collect and analyze customer feedback and sentiment in real time, and even answer questions in major messaging channels. This not only improves customer engagement and satisfaction but also allows marketing teams to quickly identify emerging trends and adjust their strategies accordingly. On the other hand, there have been platforms in place for some time now to schedule the publication of content on various socials and monitor the engagement generated in real time.

Email marketing automation & lead nurturing

Today it is possible to send automated emails based on actions taken by potential customers: a form filled out, a product added to the cart and a page visited are classic examples of actions that can trigger the sending of a personalized email. Not only that: thanks to automation, it is possible to build email sequences by defining a priori what content to send to users, based on the actions (emails opened and/or links clicked) taken by users on previously received emails: in this way, email open and conversion rates increase dramatically. In addition, email marketing platforms are able to add tags and move users from one list to another based on user interactions, so that relevant and timely messages can always be sent.

Automated reporting

Marketing report generation can become an extremely efficient process with RPA. Bots can gather data from a variety of sources, including social media, Google Analytics, and CRM, Excel spreadsheets, to create detailed reports that offer in-depth insights into campaign performance, marketing channel effectiveness, and customer behavior. This automation not only saves time but also provides decision makers with highly accurate and up-to-date information to guide marketing strategy.

Customer experience management

RPA offers the ability to personalize the customer experience on a large scale. Through the analysis of data collected during customer interactions with the website, email, and social media, RPA enables the creation of personalized customer journeys. This includes automating product recommendations, personalizing web pages in real time, and sending targeted promotional messages, significantly improving engagement and conversions.

ADS Optimization.

Advertising platforms today make it possible to automate some important optimizations, based on campaign performance. For example, it is possible to increase or decrease the invested budget during certain time slots, or in case performance suggests it. This allows you to increase your return on investment without having to monitor campaigns around the clock.

Automated integration between platforms using automation tools

In today's digital ecosystem, the ability to integrate and automate the flow of data between different platforms is critical to maximize efficiency and personalize the user experience. Take, for example, the journey of a potential customer who begins by filling out a contact form on a company's website. Strategic use of automation tools can transform this simple action into a series of interconnected events that optimize both marketing and sales operations.

Once the form is filled out, the data entered by the user, such as name, email, and phone number, can be automatically uploaded into a CRM. This step not only eliminates the need for manual data entry but also ensures that the sales team has immediate access to the prospect's information. In parallel, the contact's phone number can be automatically saved in the designated salesperson's personal address book, facilitating quick and personal communication.

Simultaneously, a sequence of personalized emails is triggered, designed to guide the potential customer through the sales funnel. These emails can range from welcome messages to specific informational content based on the interests shown in the contact form and the actions taken from time to time by the user on the emails received, providing a highly personalized experience and increasing the chances of conversion.

Finally, a WhatsApp message can be sent automatically to the potential customer to leverage the popularity and immediacy of this app to establish direct contact and further increase engagement.

Tools such as Automyo or Zapier are examples of solutions that allow companies to create these automations without requiring advanced programming skills. Through an intuitive interface, these tools enable hundreds of apps and services to be connected, automating complex workflows and transforming the initial customer interaction into a smooth, integrated experience.


The adoption of RPA in marketing brings with it a number of significant benefits:

RPA is revolutionizing the field of marketing, offering unprecedented opportunities. Reflecting on how to implement RPA in your operations can not only lead to improved current performance but also open the door to future innovations in the way we interact and engage our customers.

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In the digital age, where online communication dominates and social media have become key channels for marketing strategies, Employee Advocacy is emerging as a powerful lever for companies wishing to increase their brand visibility. This practice, in which employees become ambassadors of their brand, is gaining ground as an essential strategy for increasing a company's visibility and authenticity. Here, we explore how Employee Advocacy can be leveraged to enhance the brand, outlining strategies and benefits from its implementation.

What is Employee Advocacy

Employee Advocacy can be defined as the voluntary and authentic support of employees toward the company they work for, manifested through the sharing of company content on their personal social channels. Unlike traditional internal marketing strategies, Employee Advocacy relies on the spontaneity and authenticity of the shares, offering a unique and personal perspective on the company.

The Importance of Employee Advocacy

In the modern business landscape, Employee Advocacy plays a crucial role. It significantly contributes to increased brand visibility, builds trust with consumers and potential customers, and increases engagement on social media. The genuineness of employees as spokespersons for the brand improves the external perception of the company, strengthening its reputation and credibility.

Implementing an Employee Advocacy Strategy.

Implementing a successful Employee Advocacy program requires planning, commitment and constant optimization. Here is a step-by-step guide to implementing an effective strategy:

Benefits of Employee Advocacy

Adopting Employee Advocacy brings numerous benefits:


Employee Advocacy nowadays is a winning strategy for companies seeking to enhance their brand. By implementing well-structured advocacy programs and enhancing the role of employees as brand ambassadors, companies can achieve a range of tangible benefits, from increased online visibility to increased sales.

Companies must therefore view Employee Advocacy not just as a marketing tool, but as a business philosophy that enhances and mobilizes every organization's most valuable resource: its employees. The key to success lies in adopting a strategic approach, training and constantly supporting employees to turn them into true brand spokespeople, capable of positively influencing the company's perception and value in the marketplace.

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In an era when digital marketing is becoming increasingly saturated and competitive, Employee Advocacy is emerging as a distinctive strategy for companies to stand out. This practice of engaging employees in sharing company content on their personal social channels is revolutionizing the way brands interact with their audiences. Through Employee Advocacy, companies not only amplify their brand visibility but also create a more authentic and trusted connection with consumers. Employees, transformed into brand ambassadors, become vehicles for genuine and personal messages that resonate powerfully in an often impersonal digital landscape.

The benefits of this strategy are many and significant: from increasing social media engagement, to growing brand awareness, to improving customer trust and loyalty. Companies that have been able to effectively implement Employee Advocacy have experienced not only an improvement in their external image, but have also seen their employees' internal culture and sense of belonging strengthen, creating a virtuous circle of positivity and advocacy that benefits all stakeholders involved.

In this article, we will explore real cases of leading companies that have successfully adopted Employee Advocacy as an integral part of their marketing strategy. From Starbucks to Dell, Adobe to IBM, State Railways to Salesforce, we will see how these companies have turned their employees into powerful allies in building and strengthening their brands. Through these success stories, we will draw inspiration and valuable lessons on how to effectively implement Employee Advocacy in your own company, maximizing the potential of this powerful marketing lever.

Examples of Success in Employee Advocacy

In the modern marketing world, authenticity and transparency are increasingly valuable currencies. Companies seek to connect with their customers in ways that are genuine and personal, and one of the most effective strategies for achieving this goal is Employee Advocacy. Let's look at how Starbucks, Dell, Adobe, IBM, and Salesforce have turned their employees into powerful marketing and communication vehicles.

Starbucks: baristas as brand ambassadors

Starbucks has embraced Employee Advocacy by inviting its baristas to share their work experiences on social media. This strategy not only increases brand visibility but also reinforces Starbucks' image as an employer that cares about the well-being of its employees, creating an emotional connection with customers.

Dell: the "Dell Champions" program

Dell structured the "Dell Champions" program to encourage employees to spread company news and stories through their personal channels. This has not only expanded the reach of brand messages but also enriched the brand's trust and perceived authenticity, demonstrating the effectiveness of conveying information through voices within the company.

Adobe: the "Adobe Insiders" program

Adobe's "Adobe Insiders" program is a shining example of how engaging employees and external influencers in sharing company-related content can significantly amplify brand visibility and virality. This approach has allowed Adobe innovations and products to be highlighted, greatly increasing brand visibility.

IBM and the IBM Voices

IBM leveraged its vast network of employees with dedicated platforms for advocacy, improving social media reach and reinforcing its image as a leader in technology innovation. The strategy created a consistent and influential brand image in the industry.

Salesforce and the "Salesforce Ohana"

Salesforce has incentivized its employees to share their work experiences, promoting the company's culture and values. This has not only strengthened internal ties but also enhanced the company's public image, highlighting an inclusive and positive work environment. To recognize employees' efforts and achievements, Salesforce created the "Salesforce Ohana" (family) Community specifically to highlight achievements.

Ferrovie dello Stato and the 100 Ambassadors x FS

The #100ambassadorsxFS project was created with the aim of encouraging interaction and participation of all FS Group employees to share and spread the values characterizing the company's Vision and Mission.


These examples demonstrate how Employee Advocacy can be a powerful tool to improve brand visibility, build authenticity and strengthen corporate culture. Encouraging employees to share their positive experiences can turn them into brand ambassadors, creating a deeper and more meaningful bond with customers.

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In an increasingly digitized world, an online presence has become essential for entrepreneurs and professionals who wish to stand out in their field. LinkedIn, with more than 700 million active users, has established itself as the platform of choice for professional networking and personal branding. But how can an entrepreneur or professional make the most of this powerful platform? The answer may surprise you: Chat GPT.

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT is a state-of-the-art generative language model developed by OpenAI, capable of understanding and generating text in a surprisingly human-like way. This advanced technology can be used for a variety of purposes, from creative writing to customer service, but also to creating an editorial plan for LinkedIn as we will see in this article. Because of its ability to learn and adapt, Chat GPT can generate content that is not only attention-grabbing, but also highly personalized and relevant to your audience.

Creating engaging content

One of the biggest obstacles in managing a successful LinkedIn profile is the regular creation of relevant and engaging content. This is where Chat GPT comes in: imagine having a virtual assistant who can not only come up with innovative ideas based on the latest trends in your industry, but also create draft articles, posts for your status updates, and tips on how to improve your engagement. This means having a constant stream of interesting content that keeps your audience engaged and attracted to your profile, increasing the visibility of your personal brand.

Message personalization

In personal branding, the ability to stand out is critical. Chat GPT helps shape your posts to reflect your unique professional identity, tailoring tone, style, and language to your personal branding goals. This level of personalization ensures that every piece of content you post on LinkedIn speaks directly to your audience, reinforcing your authenticity and connection with your followers.

Saving time

For entrepreneurs and professionals who are always on the go, time is a precious resource. By using Chat GPT to generate content ideas and initial drafts, you can significantly reduce the time spent creating content from scratch. This frees up valuable hours that can be invested in other areas of your business or career, making managing your personal branding on LinkedIn not only more effective but also more efficient.

How to build an Editorial Plan for Linkedin with Chat GPT.

It all comes from preparing a comprehensive Prompt and being able to interact with Chat GPT, explaining to it in detail what our goals are and then helping it to improve the first proposals.

1. Goals

As a first step, it is necessary to clarify from the outset what the goals are. For example, "I want support in creating a 3-month editorial plan for linkedin, with a publication frequency of 2 posts per week, in which I can speak to my audience. I want the editorial plan to be mostly about me, not so much about my company-I want to be recognized as authoritative and knowledgeable about the topics I will cover."

2. Who we are

It may sound trivial, but it is essential to explain well to Chat GPT who we are, what our specializations are, what results we have achieved, why our clients are glad they chose us. But not only that, we can also list a number of topics and trends that we are generally interested in and want to post about from time to time. If we work for a company, it is good to specify what it is about, what innovative solutions it has produced, and how it has impacted the lives of the customers who have chosen it.

3. The audience

The audience: we need to specify who we want to reach so that Chat GPT can prepare posts that then, once published, can be liked and generate engagement. What are the socio-demographic characteristics of the people we want to reach? What topics do they tend to be interested in? What professional challenges do they face every day?

4. Tone of voice

In order to position ourselves and make ourselves recognizable, we can ask Chat GPT to use a tone of voice that reflects our personality (bright, humorous, technical, etc.) so that we will then be consistent over time from a stylistic point of view as well.

5. Practical tips

Basically, the more information we provide to Chat GPT, the more the editorial plan it will suggest, with its list of various posts, will be in line with our goals, our personality and able to benefit our personal branding.

One piece of advice, actually two. One should not be afraid to create a very long prompt, it will do just fine. And then it will be crucial to analyze the proposed Chat GPT editorial plan well, clarifying what convinces us and what does not, so that the artificial intelligence can optimize the proposal.


Integrating Chat GPT into your editorial plan on LinkedIn offers an unparalleled competitive advantage in the world of personal branding. From generating engaging content to personalizing your message, from saving time to analyzing performance, Chat GPT proves to be a versatile and powerful tool for any business owner or professional ready to take the next step into the digital world. Embracing this technology can mean the difference between remaining invisible and becoming a leading voice in your industry.

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